A Study of The Holy Spirit

#2 – The Work of The Holy Spirit In Revealing The Mind of God!


1. The rise of mysticism and emotionalism has played a large role in attributing to the Holy Spirit things that we can be certain should not be.

2. True spirituality is – Fearing God, and keeping His commandments as defined by His word.

3. There are two sources of information regarding the Holy Spirit – Fallible man – or the infallible WORD! – (Jn 14:26; 15:26; 16:12-13; Rom 8:2; 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:3; Jude 3)

4. The Holy Spirit Will Not Guide into confusion ... 1 Cor. 14:33

5. Are we satisfied with what the Spirit has said about himself, and other things?

I. The Creation Of The Material World –

A. Each person in the Godhead Had Distinct Roles -

1. The Father planned and designed the worlds –Jer. 51:15 

2. The Son executed the Fathers plan – Jn 1:3  

3. The Holy Spirit organized that which was created – Gen. 1:1,2; Job 26:13 

II. The Creation Of The Church -

A. Each person in the Godhead Had Distinct Roles -

1. Planned and designed by the Father – Ep. 3:9-11    

2. The Son executed the Fathers plan – Mat. 16:18; John 4:34 –- Acts 2:1-47

3. The Holy Spirit organized the church – Acts 2 –

*     Men were given miraculous gifts – knowledge – interpretation - tongues – prophecy - & healing - 1 Cor. 12-14

*     Gave gifts unto men – These gifts were for the purpose of “REVEALING” the gospel - the church had a miraculous birth - Ep. 4:8-14 – apostles – prophets – evangelist – pastors – teachers – to equip – do their work – & edify.

*     The Law of biogenesis – Life begets life! – Began with a miracle but continues through established law.

*     The Holy Spirit is not a feeling, unction, or an idea – but a person who had and has a work and purpose in the eternal plan of God in the redemption of man.

4. We see that He is the “Organizer,” but how?

*     By Revealing The New Covenant:

*     By Confirming The New Covenant:

*     By Convicting Men Through The New Covenant:

*     By Converting Men through The New Covenant:

*     By Sanctifying Men Through The New Covenant:

III. The Work of The Holy Spirit In Revealing The Mind of God To Man –

A. The Holy Spirit & The Old Testament –

1. Spoke through the prophets - 2 Peter 1:19-21; Mark 12:36; Acts 1:16; Acts 28:25

a. The words & writings of the prophets are the words of the Holy Spirit - 2 Samuel 23:2; Jeremiah 30:2
b. When men resisted the writings of the prophets – They resisted the Holy Spirit! - Neh. 9:30; Acts 7:51
c. The same is true today . . .

B. The Holy Spirit & The New Testament

1. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit –

a. “Teach you (the apostles) all things” - John 14:26
b. “Guide you (the apostles) into All Truth” - John 16:13
1) Jesus preached by the Holy Spirit – Luke 4:18
2) Jesus gave commandments through the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:2
3) Jesus told disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received power from the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:4-8
4) The apostles received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost – 30 AD – Acts 2:4 ff.
5) Paul preached the WORDS of the Holy Spirit – 1 Cor. 2:1-13

2. The words of the apostles are the words of the Holy Spirit -

*     “It is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.”  - Mark 13:11

*     “Now the Spirit expressly says” - 1 Tim. 4:

*     “. . . the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord.” - 1 Cor. 14:37

*     “. . . he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit. - 1 Thes. 4:1-8

3. The mysteries of the Old Testament are revealed in the New Testament –

a. Revelation means to make known that which was hidden! . . . Eph. 3:3-5

•         The mystery (that which was previously hidden) was made known to Paul.

•         That which was made known to Paul he wrote down

•         That which Paul wrote down, the Ephesians could understand when they read.

•         These things had not been previously revealed.

•         But NOW it is revealed to His holy apostles and prophets.

•         (We do not need to interpret the New Testament – we simply need to believe it!)

4. The New Testament, therefore, is the inspired word of God – given to man, by Christ Jesus, through the agency of the Holy Spirit, through the apostle’s writings.

 “The promises of supernatural aide to the apostles had not reference merely to their verbal instructions and extemporaneous addresses; but also to all their writings, as the appointed legislators and plenipotentiaries of the kingdom of heaven. The latter, indeed, are even more important than the former. The effect of their addresses was temporary; but the influence of their writings will endure forever. . .” (“Reason & Revelation,” Milligan)


1. The Holy Spirit continues to work  - HOW

*     Through the Revealed New Covenant

*     Through the Confirmed New Covenant

*     By Convicting Men Through The New Covenant

*     By Converting Men through The New Covenant

*     By Sanctifying Men Through The New Covenant

2. The Inspired Revelation By The Holy Spirit Was Supernatural, Verbal, And Final!

a. Where is the room for more divine instruction?
b. Are we satisfied with what the Spirit has said about himself, and other things?
c. Have you obeyed the Holy Spirit by obeying the gospel?

3. Whatever you do, don’t be guilty of rejecting the Holy Spirit!!