Welcome To Our 2013 Sermon Page

"Easier Said Than Done" - (How many New Years resolutions did you make? How many will you keep? The most important resolution is to live faithfully for God - which should be made everyday - and kept!!) - It is easier to say you want to go to heaven than enter into heaven - It is easier to say you want to live godly than to be godly, etc. . . . Serving the Lord requires complete surrender & total trust  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/6/2013

‍        "Looking To Jesus" - (Our perfect example of how to LOVE) - This study examines the love of Christ, and what His love motivated Him to do. If we want to follow Christ, then we must dedicate ourselves to love just as He did  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/13/2013

‍        "Can We Trust The Bible?" - Has the text of the Bible been corrupted? What is the evidence? Can we trust in the providence of God? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/13/2013

‍        "I Would Be Happy If . . ." - (Upon What Does Your Happiness Depend?) - Happiness is something we all desire - but too many are looking for it in all the wrong places! What is happiness? What brings about unhappiness? How can we achieve true happiness?  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/20/2013

‍        "Can We Trust The Bible?" - What about alleged contradictions? Are there contradictions in the Bible? This lesson examines a few alleged contradictions and will help give us confidence in the face of critics and aide us in answering them. -  PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/20/2013

‍        "If The Foundations Are Destroyed" - (What Can The Righteous Do?) - When truth is no longer respected; when justice is no longer practiced; when fraud and violence have taken the place of honesty and honor; when error prevails; when a character for integrity and virtue affords no longer any security, what can we as Christians do? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 1/27/2013

‍        "Getting To Where We Need To Be" - Repentance, The Path To God - Repentance - Something Every Sinner Must Do - (Lk 13:3,5; Acts 17:30) - Something God wants & desires every sinner to do - (Rom 2:3-6; 2 Peter 3:9) - We Need To Understand The Nature of True Repentance – (Psalm 51:1-17) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/3/2013

‍        "The Bible - The Life Instruction Manual" - The Bible contains necessary information & instructions that we MUST know if we are to get out of this world alive. Some ridicule the idea of the Bible being our instruction manual, but what does the Bible say?- MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO - 2/10/2013

‍        "Can We Understand The Bible Alike?" - If no, why not? If yes, How? - God gave us a revelation of Himself and His will for us. If we can't understand His revelation, is it because He could but would not? or would but could not?  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF  - 2/10/2013

‍        "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" - When you ask the majority of religious leaders this question you will get several different answers and most of the time the wrong answer. This is the MOST important question anyone could ever ask? So isn't it REALLY important to get the right answer? The right answer can ONLY be found in the Bible - so what answer does the Bible give? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO - 2/17/2013

‍        "The Book of Galatians" - An Introduction - The purpose and theme of the epistle  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF  - 2/17/2013

‍        "Veiled Hearts, Blinded Minds" - 2 Corinthians 3:13-4:6 - It is a tragedy for a person to have blinded eyes, but infinitely worse to have a blinded heart. The Jews of Paul's day were blinded to the truth of the Gospel because they failed to see transitory nature of the Law of Moses. Satan still blinds the minds of men today! What are some of the "veils" Satan uses to keep people from seeing the truth? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF  / VIDEO - 2/24/2013

‍        "The Mind Is A Battlefield" - We Are At War: A Spiritual  war – A battle that is waged in the minds of men! We need to understand the nature of our enemy, the nature of the battle we face, the weapons of our warfare and the reality of certain victory if we bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ! (2 Corinthians 10:1-6) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF  - 3/3/2013

‍        "The Agony of The Cup" - One of the most moving experiences recorded concerning the life of Christ took place in the garden of Gethsemane. No one who is serious about being a Christian can remain unmoved as they think of Jesus’ agony in the Garden. But why did he “drink the bitter cup”? Because he loved us so! It was our sin, indeed it was my sin (!) that took him there. (Matthew 26:30-56; Mark 14:26-50; Luke 22:33-46) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO - 3/10/2013

‍        "A Perverted Gospel Is No Gospel At All" - Some were preaching a different gospel - (Salvation through Jesus & the law of Moses). This so-called gospel was not really another gospel because there is only one. This text demonstrates the danger of altering the gospel of Christ in any way. Any change brings the curse of God. (Galatians 1:6-10) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO - 3/10/2013

‍        "Church Discipline - Dealing With The Disorderly" - (That Their Souls Might Be Saved) - Withdrawing fellowship from those who walk disorderly is a command of the Lord, but what does that mean? How should the faithful view and treat those who have been withdrawn from? These are not easy questions, but they are important questions – and the Bible gives us the answers. (Text examined: Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15; Galatians 6:1,2). - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO - 3/17/2013

‍        "The Source of The Gospel Preached By Paul" - Paul defends his authority as an apostle of Jesus Christ by demonstrating his apostleship was independent of the other apostles. He preached the same gospel and had been accepted as an equal by the other apostles. (Text examined: Galatians 1:11-21). - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 3/17/2013 

‍        "The Urgent Need For Diligence" - (The End of the World Will Come) - No one knows when the end of the world will come, but we are assured in God's word that it will. We must "give all diligence to make our calling and election sure." We prepare for important events - can you think of a more important event than the day we stand before God to give an account for how we have lived? Are we being diligent to be at peace with God and blameless and without spot before Him? - (2 Peter) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 3/24/2013

‍        "Losing It All To Gain Christ" - The Deal of A Lifetime! - What is MOST important to us? What do we value MOST? It is obvious what was important to Paul i.e., JESUS - all He is, all He has, & all He has promised! With regard to profit and loss, we, as the apostle Paul, should view everything as loss that we may gain the Lord. Our only gain (profit) is in knowing the Lord, being in the Lord, living for the Lord & living with the Lord! – (Philippians 3:1-16) – KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (3/31/2013)

‍        “The Gospel Taught By Paul Was Endorsed By The Other Apostles” – The gospel Paul preached did not originate with any man - but came directly from Christ - Paul’s gospel was endorsed by the other apostles - Paul’s apostleship & authority was equal with the other apostles - including Peter. (Galatians 2:1-21) – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (3/31/2013)

‍        "Members One of Another" - Should Christians Be Members of A Local Church? - The Christian, while added to the universal church by the Lord, (Acts 2:47), should seek to join himself to a local church. (Acts 9:26ff). Every Christian should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill their share of the collective responsibilities.  – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/7/2013)

‍        "God's Silence Does Not Mean He Is Absent" - Lessons From The Book of Esther - An amazing true story filled with both good and bad examples. We learn of courage, faith and sacrifice, as well as the evils of hatred, pride and greed. Even though God is not directly mentioned, we can clearly see in the book of Esther God working providentially to protect His people that His will be accomplished. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/14/2013)

‍        "The Promise of Abraham Is Not Received Through The Law of Moses, But Through Faith In Christ Jesus" - Galatians chapter 3 begins the doctrinal section of the epistle. Paul turns from defense of his apostleship to a defense of the gospel he preached. This lesson examines the first 14 verses of chapter three. [Experience of the Galatians - (3:1-5) - Abraham justified by faith - (3:6-9) - Legal Justification Impossible - (3:10-14)] – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/14/2013)

‍        "The ONE Who Speaks To The Churches" - (The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Revelation Chapter 1) - Lesson 1 of a series on the "Letters To The 7 Churches of Asia - Revelation 1-3 - In this introductory study, we will focus on the One Who is speaking, the Lord Jesus Christ. The beginning of apostasy is a lack of respect for the Lord and His word, likewise the way back to the Lord is to renew that respect – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/21/2013)

‍        "The Promise of Abraham Is Not Received Through The Law of Moses, But Through Faith In Christ Jesus" - Galatians chapter 3 begins the doctrinal section of the epistle. Paul turns from defense of his apostleship to a defense of the gospel he preached. This lesson examines the remainder of chapter 3, verses 15-29. [The Law did not annul the promise - (3:15-18) - The Law was not contrary to the promise - (3:19-22) - The Law brings men to Christ through whom they are released from sin - (3:23-29)] – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/21/2013)

‍        "The Church That Fell Out of Love" - (The church of Christ in Ephesus - Revelation 2:1-8) - Seven good qualities, one bad - one too many.  Their values & motives had become misplaced. Correct actions are worthless if our motives are not genuine & pure  – The Lord looks not only at what we do but our intent & motives as well.  MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/28/2013)

‍        "The Persecuted & Impoverished Church - But Rich" - The Christians in Smyrna faced tribulation, even to the point of martyrdom. They had nothing materially but yet the Lord calls them wealthy. Is serving Christ & receiving the salvation He offers worth whatever pain & suffering this life may bring?  – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/5/2013)

‍        "Pergamos: The Church Located Where Satan’s Throne was / Faithful In Persecution—but tolerated Evil!”— (Rev 2:12-17) " - The Christians in Pergamos also faced tribulation and stood for the truth against her outside foes - even after Antipas was martyred. However, they tolerated false teachers within their ranks. Pergamos is known as the compromising church. To compromise with error compromises our influence – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/12/2013)

‍        "In Christ We Are Adopted As Sons & Heirs of God Through Christ! - (Galatians 3:26-4:7) " - Christians are sons of God by faith In Christ Jesus and not the law - (vs. 26-29). An heir receives his inheritance through Christ & not the Law of Moses - (4:1-7).  MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/12/2013)

‍        "Thyatira: The Church Faithful In Many Ways —but tolerated False Teaching & Sin!”— (Rev 2:18-29) " - Thyatira was a church that had many good qualities - but one fault can destroy much good. Jesus rebukes the church in Thyatira because they tolerated a false teacher in their midst referred to as "Jezebel, thus they had set themselves against Christ. Jezebel is still at work. She asks us not to believe in absolutes. She asks us to give in just a little at a time until there is nothing distinctive about us in contrast to the world. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/26/2013)

‍        "Paul's Concern For The Churches" - (Galatians 4:8-20) " - Paul was concerned that they were going to adapt a system that would destroy them so he appeals to how they had previously received him and the gospel - His desire was that Christ be formed in them - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/26/2013)

‍        "Sardis: The Church With A Good Reputation Before Men - But The Lord Said They Were Dead!”— (Rev 3:1-6) " - It matters very little what men think of us, but it matters immensely what Christ knows about us, and He knows ALL. We can’t hide under a façade of make believe religion and fool our Lord. A congregation filled with members who live for worldly pleasures is a dead church, regardless of its reputation. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (6/2/2013)

‍        Gospel Meeting 2013 - Zechariah Smith

‍        We Be Brethren, part 1 (Gen 13:8) - MP3 / PPT

‍        We Be Brethren, part 2 (Gen 13:8) - MP3 / PPT

‍        Portrait of a Disciple (Luke 14:25-33) - MP3 

‍        The Jewish Wedding (Mat 22:1-14) - / PPT

‍        But If Not (Daniel 3:18) - MP3 

‍        Sharp Arrows from Strong Quivers (Deut 6:6-9) - MP3 / PPT

‍        Marriage on the Cross (Hebrews 13:4) - MP3 / PPT

‍        The Greatest Inauguration: Lifting up our King (Phil 2:5-11)


‍        "Philadelphia: The Faithful Church!”— (Rev 3:7-13) " - This church stood fast in the Lord despite opposition - they used what they had, therefore the Lord gave them more opportunities to be of service to Him. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (6/16/2013)

‍        "Laodecia: The Lukewarm Church!”— (Rev 3:14-22) " - Apathy and indifference is not accepted by the Lord. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (6/23/2013)

‍        "The Allegory of Hagar & Sarah”— (Galatians 4:21-31)" - Paul illustrates why the Galatians should not heed the Judaizing teachers. It would be a return to slavery (to the Law of Moses). It would be turning their back on the Spirit who conceived them. It would be turning away from the promises of heaven. - KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (6/23/2013)

‍        "The Better Things In Life Are Most Often The Most Unpleasant" - (Eccl. 7:1-14) For the honorable man, his death day is better than his birthday. The house of mourning is better than the house of feasting, etc. The difficult, hard & unpleasant things in life CAN make us better. Will You Benefit From These Inspired Words of Wisdom? – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (6/30/2013)

‍        "Examples of Faith In Action" - (Karl VanDevender) – MP3 - (6/30/2013)

‍        "Peer Pressure" - (Brandon Lewis) – MP3 - (7/7/2013)

‍        "More Holiness Give Me" - Of all the things God is, at the center of His being, God is holy - (Isa 6:3; Ex 15:11) - God demands His people to be holy! (Lev 19:2; 1 Pet. 1:13-16). Our holiness, (or lack of holiness), will be evident in our actions, words, and thoughts. Do we desire to be the holy people God demands? – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/14/2013)

‍        "Stand Fast - Don't Fall" - (Galatians 5:1-7) The Galatian Christians had been set free from the bondage of idolatry and sin. The Judaizing teachers were jeopardizing their liberty, putting them in danger of being severed from Christ – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/14/2013)

‍        "What's Down The Road?" - First of all it depends upon which road we are on. Are we on the broad road that leads to eternal death or are we on the narrow road that leads to everlasting life? (Mat 7:13,14). Secondly, It is not within man's ability to “direct his own steps” through this life! (Jer. 10:23). What's down the road in this life for the person following God's instructions compared to the one who doesn't? (Some thoughts for the young, married, parents & local churches) – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/21/2013)

‍        "The Sin of Hindering Others" - (Galatians 5:7-15) The Galatians had begun the Christian race & progressing well UNTIL the Judaizers impeded their progress. Paul has some strong words directed towards the false teachers and warns the Galatians of the danger they posed. Liberty in Christ does not give us a license to sin or take advantage of others but rather requires that we love and serve one another. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/21/2013)

‍        "Weighed In The Balances" - (Daniel 5) - It is 539 B.C., and Belshazzar throws a huge feast for 1,000 of his lords while the Persian army has his city under siege. To make matters worse, he defies the God of heaven by using vessels from the temple to praise his idols. The handwiting was on the wall - his kingdom would fall that very night. Join us as we examine some important lessons from this event in history. Lessons that are vitally needed today! – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/28/2013)

‍        "Preparing Our Hearts" - (Sonny Sharp) – MP3 - (7/28/2013)

‍        "Preaching Jesus Christ And Him Crucified" - (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2) - Many say: "We Ought To Preach the Man, (Jesus), and NOT the plan." True enough - Jesus IS at the center of ALL TRUE GOSPEL PREACHING! But preaching that ignores HIS teaching is NOT gospel preaching, (Mt 28:18,19; 2 Tim 4:2; Acts 20:27) - Our preaching must include both the man and the plan! – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF (8/4/2013)

‍        "Uncompromising Faith" [How To Stand Strong When Pressured To Do Wrong] - (Daniel 1;3;6) - Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah . . . Four young men pressured to compromise their faith but refused to do so! - We too live in a world where we are pressured to “compromise” - To tolerate evil / accept wickedness / and to participate in sin. What gave these young men their strength to defy a king, even in the face of death? – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF (8/11/2013)

‍        “The Flesh or the Spirit?” 5:16-21 - (Galatians 5:16-21) - The contrast in this section is between the “FRUIT” of their teaching and the “FRUIT” of the gospel. Most expositors miss the point of this text completely and even use it to promote the opposite of what Paul is actually teaching. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF (8/11/2013)

‍        "Why Does God Allow Christians To Suffer?" - The unbelieving critic often asks this question as an argument against God: “Why would a God who is all-good & loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful allow bad things to happen to good people?” However, the question may also be asked in sincerity: “How could God let this happen to me and to mine, why would God not stop this pain and help me?” This lesson examines the question and gives - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (8/18/2013)

‍        “The Fruit of The Flesh & Spirit?” - (Galatians 5:19-26) - The flesh, (Law), cannot deliver from sin, or give one power over sin. Thus the fruit of the system of the flesh, (Law) leaves one in a sinful state. In contrast, the "fruit of the Spirit, (Gospel) produce the characteristics which Destroy, Replace, & Prevent Works of the Flesh! – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF (8/18/2013)

‍        "Bringing Others To Christ" - Mark 2:1-12 - We cannot deal with our sin apart from Jesus - Jn 14:6. The greatest service we can provide another human being in this life is to bring them to Christ! We should be willing to do everything in our power to bring others to Jesus - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (8/25/2013)

‍        "Walking In The Fear of the Lord" - Karl VanDevender - MP3 / PDF - (8/25/2013)

‍        "The Importance of Using Our Time Wisely" - Ephesians 5:15-17; Psalm 90:9-12; Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 - Many live over-committed, out of balance, & out of control lives! We need to realize the value of time and how easy it is to waste the time God has blessed us with. What are some steps we can take to make better use of our time? - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/1/2013)

‍        "The Lost Bible" - (2 Chronicles 34:1-35:19; 2 Kings 21:24-23:30) - Knowledge of TRUTH is essential for True worship and acceptable service to God. Proper respect for TRUTH brings hearing, repentance and reform – but unconcern & indifference brings ignorance, compromise, & DESTRUCTION! – 2 Tim. 4:2-4; Hos. 4:6. There is an epidemic of Biblical illiteracy today!  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/8/2013)

‍        “Fulfilling The Law of Christ” - (Galatians 6:1-10) - This text speaks of individual responsibility in regard to "Bearing Burdens" - (The Burdens of Others; Our Own Burdens; & The Teachers Burden) - We will reap what we so, (7-9). Therefore let us not grow weary in doing good.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/8/2013)

‍        "Give of Your Best To The Master" - Learning to Make Spiritual Sacrifices that Truly Please God  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/22/2013)

‍        “The Actual ‘Israel’ of God” - (Galatians 6:11-18) - Final Warnings Concerning The Judaizers - 1) Their motivation - 2) Their inconsistency - 3) Their misguided focus - 4) What they were missing - 5) Paul’s appeal & farewell.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/22/2013)

‍        "Amazing Unbelief" - Why So Many Reject The Truth In Spite of Overwhelming Evidence? - One does NOT have to be an atheist to be classified by the Lord as an unbeliever. This lesson 1) defines unbelief, 2) Gives reasons for unbelief 3) Instructs as to the cure for unbelief - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/29/2013)

‍        “That You May Believe” - (Introduction To The Book of John) - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/29/2013)

‍        "The Law of Unintended Consequences" - We Cannot Act Contrary to God’s Will and Expect a Positive Long-term Result. The Only Sure & Certain Course Is to Live Wholly in the Will of God. Hell will be full of people who did not intend to wind up there! Where will you be for eternity? - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/6/2013)

‍        "Is It Reasonable To Believe In God" - In This Scientific Age? - The Most Reasonable Cause & Order For The Material Universe - (Are there better arguments for God’s existence than against it? - What is the best explanation for the existence and continuance of the universe?) - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/13/2013)

‍        “The Word, The Light, The Glory & The Lamb" - (John 1:1-34) - We are introduced to the Son of God. His pre-existence; That Jesus is the true Light of the world; The Incarnation & revelation of the Word. - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/13/2013)

‍        "The Most Reasonable Cause of Life & Its Complexities" - As the Psalmist said "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" - (Psalm 139:14). This is a fairly detailed look at the problems Atheists face in trying to explain the origin of life on earth. Natural Evolutionist must face the reality - there is really ONLY one reasonable explanation - GOD! - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/20/2013)

‍        “Come & See - That You May Believe" - (John 1:35-51) - The testimony of John the baptizer and the first disciples of Jesus.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/20/2013)

‍        “What Selfishness Looks Like" - On some level we all deal with selfishness, but there is no room for selfishness in the life of the devoted Christian. Selfishness is the fountainhead of all sin, and is the root of every troubled relationship. Self-centered people refuse to see the damage they are doing to themselves and others. We are called to surrender our life to Christ - our “self-will” must be conquered and destroyed, and “not my will, but God’s be done.” Every thought  is to brought into obedience to Christ! We need to recognize the various ways selfishness manifests itself so we can attack and eliminate it.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (10/27/2013)

‍        "Is It Reasonable To Believe In God" - The Most Reasonable Explanation For Morality, Conscience, & Spirituality? - (Naturalistic Evolution Cannot Explain: . . . 1) Man having rational intelligence. [ability to reason, invent, communicate, discern, decide, etc.] . . . 2) Man having emotions. [He can experience joy, love, anger, hatred, sorrow, etc.] . . . 3) Man having a conscience. [He is able, not only to distinguish right from wrong, but also to have an inherent sense of guilt when he has done wrong and a sense of approval when he has done right.]  How can these things originate & evolve from inanimate matter? The only rational explanation is God! - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/03/2013)

‍        “Living Upright In An Upside Down World" - The world was turned upside down when Adam & Eve committed the first sin. By Genesis chapter 6, the world had become so wicked that God destroyed it with a flood. Only eight people were saved from the destruction. The upright have always been in the minority and with the world around us so ungodly, living an upright life can be a real challenge. - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/10/2013)

‍        “The Manifestation of Jesus’ Glory” - (That You May Believe) - The first “sign” - Jesus turning water into wine - John 2:1-11. - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/10/2013)

‍        “Faith Through The Fire” - (1 Peter; Guidance In Troubled Times) - Peter tells us that God keeps us “ hrough faith”, but persecution will effect our faith, however the effect upon our faith is determined by our attitude & response! (1 Pet 1:7-9; 3:14,15; 5:10) How can we respond properly & in a beneficial way when we’re treated poorly because of our faith?. - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/17/2013)

‍        “Jesus Cleanses The Temple” - (John 2:12-25) - What do you think the Lord would say about many of the churches & preachers of our day? - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/17/2013)

‍        “To Be Served, or to Serve?" - Our Attitude Relating To This Question Effects Every Relationship, (Our relationship with God; within our family; within our community; within the local church). Jesus is our perfect example - are we really followers of Christ? - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (11/24/2013)

‍        “The New Birth” - (John 3:1-21) - In order for one to enter into the kingdom of heaven one must be born again, i.e., born from above. What is the new birth? How can one be born again? Does “born of water” have reference to water baptism?   - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (12/1/2013)

‍        “Don’t Give Satan ANY Advantage” - Satan is difficult enough to overcome without us helping him out! (Eph 6:10,11; 2 Cor 11:14). What are some things we may do or not do – that gives Satan the advantage he needs to destroy us?- / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (12/15/2013)

‍        “John’s Testimony of The Preeminent Christ” - John’s attitude towards Jesus’ growing popularity was one of joy. (3:29) - John understood his mission as a for-runner of one who is greater than himself. (3:28; cf. 1:15,20,27,30) - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (12/15/2013)

‍        “Woe To Those Who Are At Ease In Zion” - (God Will Judge His People) Amos 6:1-8), Amos says, “A lion has roared!  Who will not fear?” (Amos 3:8). Sadly, many are blinded to their own impending doom. Israel taken into Assyrian captivity less than 40 years later (722 B.C.) - Are you prepared to meet your God - (Amos 4:12)  - AUDIO / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (12/22/2013)

‍        “The Voice of The People" - (Standing For & Doing What Is Right Even If It Is Unpopular) - Being in the majority does not make one right - (Gen 6:12; Exo. 23:2; Mat 7:13,14; 1 John 5:19) When we take a stand for truth, we will often find ourselves in the ridiculed minority - (1 Pet 4:3) - The majority can be manipulated by a vocal minority to do what is wrong! - (1 Cor. 5:6) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 12/29/2013

‍        "Priscilla & Aquila - Profiling Dedicated Church Members" - (Sean Cavender) - MP3 - 12/29/2013


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