"The Book of Galatians" - An Introduction - The purpose and theme of the epistle  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF  - 2/17/2013

"A Perverted Gospel Is No Gospel At All" - Some were preaching a different gospel - (Salvation through Jesus & the law of Moses). This so-called gospel was not really another gospel because there is only one. This text demonstrates the danger of altering the gospel of Christ in any way. Any change brings the curse of God. (Galatians 1:6-10) - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF  - 3/10/2013

"The Source of The Gospel Preached By Paul" - Paul defends his authority as an apostle of Jesus Christ by demonstrating his apostleship was independent of the other apostles. He preached the same gospel and had been accepted as an equal by the other apostles. (Text examined: Galatians 1:11-21). - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 3/17/2013 

“The Gospel Taught By Paul Was Endorsed By The Other Apostles” – The gospel Paul preached did not originate with any man - but came directly from Christ - Paul’s gospel was endorsed by the other apostles - Paul’s apostleship & authority was equal with the other apostles - including Peter. (Galatians 2:1-21) – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (3/31/2013)

"The Promise of Abraham Is Not Received Through The Law of Moses, But Through Faith In Christ Jesus" - Galatians chapter 3 begins the doctrinal section of the epistle. Paul turns from defense of his apostleship to a defense of the gospel he preached. This lesson examines the first 14 verses of chapter three. [Experience of the Galatians - (3:1-5) - Abraham justified by faith - (3:6-9) - Legal Justification Impossible - (3:10-14)] – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/14/2013)

"The Promise of Abraham Is Not Received Through The Law of Moses, But Through Faith In Christ Jesus" - Galatians chapter 3 begins the doctrinal section of the epistle. Paul turns from defense of his apostleship to a defense of the gospel he preached. This lesson examines the remainder of chapter 3, verses 15-29. [The Law did not annul the promise - (3:15-18) - The Law was not contrary to the promise - (3:19-22) - The Law brings men to Christ through whom they are released from sin - (3:23-29)] – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (4/21/2013)

"In Christ We Are Adopted As Sons & Heirs of God Through Christ! - (Galatians 3:26-4:7) " - Christians are sons of God by faith In Christ Jesus and not the law - (vs. 26-29). An heir receives his inheritance through Christ & not the Law of Moses - (4:1-7).  MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/12/2013)

"Paul's Concern For The Churches" - (Galatians 4:8-20) " - Paul was concerned that they were going to adapt a system that would destroy them so he appeals to how they had previously received him and the gospel - His desire was that Christ be formed in them - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (5/26/2013)

"The Allegory of Hagar & Sarah”— (Galatians 4:21-31)" - Paul illustrates why the Galatians should not heed the Judaizing teachers. It would be a return to slavery (to the Law of Moses). It would be turning their back on the Spirit who conceived them. It would be turning away from the promises of heaven. - KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (6/23/2013)

"Stand Fast - Don't Fall" - (Galatians 5:1-7) The Galatian Christians had been set free from the bondage of idolatry and sin. The Judaizing teachers were jeopardizing their liberty, putting them in danger of being severed from Christ – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/14/2013)

"The Sin of Hindering Others" - (Galatians 5:7-15) The Galatians had begun the Christian race & progressing well UNTIL the Judaizers impeded their progress. Paul has some strong words directed towards the false teachers and warns the Galatians of the danger they posed. Liberty in Christ does not give us a license to sin or take advantage of others but rather requires that we love and serve one another. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (7/21/2013)

“The Flesh or the Spirit?” 5:16-21 - (Galatians 5:16-21) - The contrast in this section is between the “FRUIT” of their teaching and the “FRUIT” of the gospel. Most expositors miss the point of this text completely and even use it to promote the opposite of what Paul is actually teaching. – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF (8/11/2013)

“The Fruit of The Flesh & Spirit?” - (Galatians 5:19-26) - The flesh, (Law), cannot deliver from sin, or give one power over sin. Thus the fruit of the system of the flesh, (Law) leaves one in a sinful state. In contrast, the "fruit of the Spirit, (Gospel) produce the characteristics which Destroy, Replace, & Prevent Works of the Flesh! – MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF (8/18/2013)

“Fulfilling The Law of Christ” - (Galatians 6:1-10) - This text speaks of individual responsibility in regard to "Bearing Burdens" - (The Burdens of Others; Our Own Burdens; & The Teachers Burden) - We will reap what we so, (7-9). Therefore let us not grow weary in doing good.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/8/2013)

“The Actual ‘Israel’ of God” - (Galatians 6:11-18) - Final Warnings Concerning The Judaizers - 1) Their motivation - 2) Their inconsistency - 3) Their misguided focus - 4) What they were missing - 5) Paul’s appeal & farewell.  - MP3 / KEYNOTE / PPT / PDF - (9/22/2013)


“Who Am I Living For?” - (Have We Sufficiently Destroyed Our Sinful Past?) — (Galatians 2:11-21)  We are all living “for someone” — Our actions speak louder than our words! -  PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/12/2017


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