“IS IT REASONABLE TO BELIEVE THE BIBLE (Psalm 19:7-11) Introductory lesson: Can we have confidence that the Bible is the word of God? Don McClain [08/18/2024] / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE” Where did the Bible come from? What does it mean to say “all scripture is inspired of God?” If it is from God, to what extent? (2 Tim. 3:16,17; 2 Pet. 1:20,21) Don McClain [09/15/2024] PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“THE TRANSMISSION OF THE BIBLE” Can we trust our Bible? How did the Bible come down to us?” Don McClain [09/29/2024] PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“THE RELIABILITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT TEXT” Can we trust our NT? How did the NT come down to us?” Don McClain [10/13/2024] PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“TESTIMONY OF THE SPADE” (Series Can We Trust The Bible?)” 11/10/24 - Don McClain PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“THE ROLE OF PROPHECY AS EVIDENCE” Can we trust the Bible? Prophecy Supports the Divine Origin of Scripture and Its TRUSTWORTHINESS [11/24/2024] Don McClain PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
“DOES THE BIBLE CONTAIN CONTRADICTIONS?” (The Evidence of Perfect Harmony" — by Don McClain [12/08/2024] PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO
"Can We Trust The Bible?" - What Books Belong In Our Bible? Who decided what was to be included in the Bible? MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 11/18/2012
"Can We Understand The Bible Alike?" - If no, why not? If yes, How? - God gave us a revelation of Himself and His will for us. If we can't understand His revelation, is it because He could but would not? or would but could not? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 2/10/2013
“Can We Trust The Text of The New Testament?” - [The Reliability of The New Testament Text] - Has The NT Text Been Corrupted? Can we know that the NT we have is the same as it was when written? Historically there have been MANY enemies of the scriptures. The onslaught has escalated in our day. With the aid of technology, skeptics have saturated academia & the internet with false & skewed information. With the growing militance of the modern skeptic, and the rise of atheism & agnosticism, this kind of study is crucial - especially for younger people who have yet to develop a strong faith in God & His word. - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 8/31/2014
“What Does The Bible Say About That?” - [Selected passages] - Our understanding of the Bible is not so much dependant upon our intellect, or intelligence, but rather our humility - upon our willingness to believe and obey that which God has revealed. This lesson focuses on some plain, straitforward passages illustrating this truth - e.g., What does the Bible say about religious division? or women being in positions of church leadership? What does the Bible say about the church and recreation and entertainment? What does the Bible say about marriage, divorce and remarriage? When someone does me wrong, how should I handle it according to the Bible? Is salvation by faith only according to the Bible? Is baptism essential for salvation according to the Bible? - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 11/15/2015
“That Is JUST Your Interpretation!” — (Mark 12:24–27; John 7:16–24; Ephesians 3:3-5; 2 Timothy 2:15) It is NOT “just YOUR interpretation” When you believe & teach what the Bible teaches — IT IS THE TRUTH! Why are there so MANY different interpretations? Can we know what the truth is?— AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (01/05/2020)
“Why Did God Give Us The Bible?” (2 Timothy 3:16,17) AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF 06/23/2019
“The Bible Is The Word of God” (Internal Evidence) What is the most REASONABLE explanation for the Bible? — 2 Peter 1:20,21 AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF 06/30/2019
“Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth” — (2 Timothy 2:15) - God’s word is THE TRUTH — God’s word can be understood. What are some neccessary qualities and methods needed to understand God’s truth? — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 10/15/2017
“If I Could Change The Gospel” — (Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Timothy 1:3,4) — First - I know I can’t, but If I could, some things I might change would be things that many already believe, but are NOT TRUE ... — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 12/16/2018
“Error And Consequences” Does It Really Matter What We Believe? Why should we be concerned about false doctrine? Why MUST false doctrine be exposed? — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (02/09/2020)
Why Do We Believe What We Believe? What is the SOURCE of what we believe? How did we come to believe what we believe? Are we willing to examine what we believe by God's word? Am I willing to honestly examine the scriptures and align my beliefs & practices to what the scriptures teach? (Acts 17:11,12; 2 Timothy 2:15) (September 20, 2020) AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF / VIDEO