(1) - “The Danger of Self-Righteousness" —   (Luke 18:9–14; Romans 10:1-4) —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 05/20/2018

(2) - “The Danger of Liberalism" —   (Judges 21:25; Num 16:3-13; 2 Pet 2:10; Jude 8) —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 05/27/2018

(3) - “The Danger of Error" —   (2 Peter 2:1-3) —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 06/03/2018

(4) - “The Danger of Formalism" —   (Revelation 2:1-7) Any act, regardless of how “ scriptural,”  “good” or “needed,” if done without faith and love, profits one nothing! —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 06/10/2018

(5) - “The Danger of Persecution & Compromise" —   How to stand strong when the pressures of an ungodly world bears down on us - (Revelation 2:8-19)  —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 06/17/2018

(6) - “The Danger of The World’s Leaven" —   What is worldliness? Do we truly understand the wickedness of the world? How can we “gain the victory” over the world?- (Revelation 2:18-29)  —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 06/24/2018

(7) “The Danger of Dying" —   (Revelation 3:1-8)  —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 07/15/2018



“The Lord’s church in an 'Experience Driven Culture'” - [John 6:60-69] - As churches decline in membership, they begin to compromise to sustain numbers - Many churches have adopted the "market driven" approach – i.e., Find out what people want and give it to them - WHAT EVER THAT IS! — Many churches of Christ are doing the same things! Can the church fight apathy and materialism by feeding people's carnal appetites? What should the churches response be to the populace and its increasing hunger for an “experience” & disinterest in the truth?  - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 5/17/2015

“Why Is The House of God Forsaken?” - (Nehemiah 13) - In Neh 13:4ff, Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, but what he found was disturbing (13:7ff). The house of God was in disarray and the Levites had not been given their rightful portions. The question put forth by Nehemiah is one which needs to be asked today: “Why is the house of God forsaken?” - MP3 / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 6/29/2014

“Give Me That  SHOW Time Religion" —   (Jeremiah 6:16; Deuteronomy 12:29–32; 2 Timothy 4:1–5)  There Is A MAJOR Problem With “Contemporary Worship” & Why So MANY CANNOT SEE IT —  AUDIOPPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — 09/02/2018

“Times, They Are Changing” - (The State & Direction of Modern "Professed Christianity") How should We Respond? - (2 Tim 3:1-5; 4:1-5) -  MP3  / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF - 02/21/2016

“Here We Are But Straying Faithful Christians” — (Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11) — We are pilgrims traveling through a wicked world. How can we make it SAFELY HOME? — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (10/20/2019)

“Warning To God’s Enemies” (Nahum 1:2-8) — God is JEALOUS and will take vengeance on His adversaries. He will also provide for, console and reward His people — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (10/27/2019)

“Error And Consequences” Does It Really Matter What We Believe? Why should we be concerned about false doctrine? Why MUST false doctrine be exposed? — AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (02/09/2020)

“There Remains A Rest For The People of God” (Hebrews 4:1-13) there IS indeed a promise of rest to be enjoyed by those who continue in faith. Just as Israel was pushing toward the rest that was certain to be found in Canaan. The faithful Christian has the certainty of a rest remaining for him after enduring his pilgrimage here.— AUDIO / PPT / KEYNOTE / PDF — (03/01/2020)


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